British Values

At Hannah More, we believe in the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, as well as mutual respect and tolerance for those of different faiths, beliefs and way of life. These values are promoted in a variety of ways.

Democracy: Making Decisions Together

- Staff encourage children to know that their views count. Representatives from each class share the children’s views at the School Council and children are encouraged to value each other’s views.

- Children experience democracy in action in our classrooms, for example voting on issues relevant to classroom life.

- Children are encouraged to talk about their feelings in Circle Times and through accessing our Bluebell provision. Language for talking about and managing feelings is taught through our PSHE curriculum, ‘Jigsaw’.

Rule of Law: Understanding Rules Matter

- Children understand their own and others’ behaviour and its consequences, through explicit teaching, for example during Anti-Bullying Week, and through the School Behaviour Policy and its application. Role play and social stories are used to help children understand the consequences of their choices in our PSHE ‘Jigsaw’ lessons.

- Children learn to distinguish right from wrong. Ethical issues are discussed in circle times, through some Topics, for example the Year 5 Topic ‘Fairtrade’, and through visits from the ‘Life Bus’.

- Staff collaborate with children to create a Class Charter and class rules.

Individual Liberty: Freedom for All

- Children develop a positive sense of self through taking risks in play, and developing their confidence and self-esteem through team building activities.

- Children are given a range of experiences that develop their sense of shared responsibility, for example through raising money for Sports Relief and Children in Need.

- By focussing on important individuals from the past in Black History Week, they are given the chance to reflect on the importance of freedom for everyone.

- They reflect on their differences and understand we are free to have different opinions. The ability to express opinions respectfully is developed through the teaching of Philosophy.

Mutual Respect and Tolerance: Treat Others as You Want to be Treated

- There is an ethos of inclusivity where views, faiths, cultures, races and family-types are valued, and children are engaged with the wider community. This is promoted through our School Values ‘Openness’ and ‘Respect’.

- Children acquire tolerance and appreciation of their own and other cultures through a varied RE Curriculum involving the study of a variety of world religions, and through the celebration of varied religious and cultural celebrations, such as Diwali, Eid, Chinese New Year, Easter and Christmas.

- Children are taught about similarities and differences between themselves and others through termly Topics, such as the Year 2 Topic ‘Namaste London’ about India, where children visit a Hindu Temple, and the Year 4 Topic, ‘Africa’.

- Children are taught about the importance of tolerant behaviours such as sharing and respecting each other’s’ opinions through explicit modelling and encouragement by staff.

- Diverse attitudes are promoted and stereotypes are challenged through our PSHE ‘Jigsaw’ lessons, for example through sharing stories which reflect and value the diversity of children’s experiences.

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Hannah More Primary School, New Kingsley Road, St Philips, Bristol, BS2 0LT


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