Please note that we may have special arrangements in place, due to Covid-19. We will update you by texts and email, but if you have any queries, please contact the school office.
Currently, school opens at 8.00am for families who wish to attend breakfast club. This is a free club and there is no need to book. Children in Reception classes need an adult to stay with them, but older children are welcome to come on their own. For more information about our Breakfast club, click here.
The school day starts from 8.45 when children should come in from the playground to their classes. Everyone should be in class by 8.50. Reception and year 1 children are taken to the classroom doors and other children come straight in to their classes. We encourage people to be nice and early! This is a good time to catch up with friends in the playground. To minimise disruption, we ask that all parents use the main gate at the start of the day, except if you need to come to the school office.
It is really important that children are ready to learn at 8.50; a late start disrupts your child's day and the whole class's learning!
Breaktime and lunchtimes are at staggered times. Children either have a school meal cooked in our on-site kitchen, or they bring a packed lunch. Please send your child with a healthy lunch. We also ask that NO NUTS are brought into school as we have children with nut allergies. If your child wishes to bring a snack for breaktime, this should be fruit or veg.
We have an assembly every day; this may be in class or a whole-school event. On Friday mornings at 9.00 we have a special celebration assembly which parents and carers are warmly invited to attend.
The school day ends at 3.15. The gate is opened a few minutes before the end of the day and is supervised by staff. We ask that all children are collected punctually.