At Hannah More Primary School, our vision is of a dynamic, engaged and thriving community that inspires ambition, pride and success in every child. We are currently reviewing our vision. Having met with governors, children, parents and staff, we will be deciding on our new vision statement in the coming weeks. The community will be voting on their choice!
Our values explore how we behave within our school:
Determination -The ability that all members of the school community demonstrate to 'stick at it'. The commitment to producing our best work, shown by every member of the community and our resilience in difficult circumstances.
Openness - The ability our school community has to communicate without pretence, reserve or defensiveness. Our lack of prejudice and our receptiveness to new ideas and arguments.
Nurture - The expertise our school shows at caring for and growing individuals.
Enjoyment - The fulfilment that all members of our school community are able to derive from their involvement and learning.
Respect - The fairness, understanding and acceptance that members of the school community demonstrate in all their dealings with each other. The message our school conveys publicly about valuing diversity and celebrating communities.
To read our Parents Guide to the school values click here.
To read about how we promote fundamental British values at Hannah More click here.