Being Athletes and Team Players
PE @ Hannah More
Through PE at Hannah More, we nurture children to develop self-belief, build resilience and work as a team whilst expressing their individuality. We recognise that promoting an active lifestyle and focusing on physical literacy throughout the school day can help to improve concentration, physical and mental health and general well-being. We believe that children deserve to feel confident, enjoy their PE lessons and see the value in their learning. At Hannah More, we strive to create an inclusive, empowering learning environment where the children’s achievements are regularly celebrated. We follow the national curriculum, which is divided into 6 areas which can be seen below. Each year group is taught the same unit by teachers and coaches but the content is altered to develop skills and knowledge as they move up the school.
Nick and the Bristol sport coaches currently run after-school sports clubs for KS1 and KS2, which provide children with further opportunities for enrichment and the ability to join sports teams. We also have our OSF funded clubs - Football, Girl's fitness, boxing and outdoor games. Added to this our extended day during Term 5 and 6 gives all children the opportunity to access a club at the end of the school day.
At Hannah More, we recognise the fundamental role that physical literacy plays in children’s wellbeing and future success. We want children’s experience of PE to be inspiring, positive and motivating. High quality PE provision will improve wellbeing, ensure that children are healthy and provide the motivation for life-long fitness and a love of sport. It is our intention to build a curriculum that enables children to develop knowledge, skills and vocabulary in a broad range of sporting activities, as well as developing values and transferrable life skills such as tolerance, fairness and respect. Many of our children have big families and live in small accommodation. We aim to use our space and facilities to ensure that playtimes are utilised as an opportunity for children to practise PE skills and work alongside coaches and play leaders to enjoy sporting activities with friends. We will offer opportunities to access sport outside the curriculum through clubs with sports coaches and teaching staff. All children will get the opportunity to compete against others; celebrating success and learning to cope with disappointment when on the losing side. We aim to show children what is possible so that they can extend their love of sport beyond the school gates.
All children from Year 1 to Year 6 will get two high quality lessons of PE each week. Children will come to school wearing PE kits so that time isn’t wasted changing. Sports coaches are used to regularly work alongside teachers in order to ensure that CPD is current and teachers are highly skilled to deliver the curriculum. Children in Key stage 1 will focus on the fundamental skills needed to access a variety of sports. In KS2, children will be taught the national curriculum through a number of different sports. In all lessons, children will spend the majority of the time active, starting with a warm up and incorporating team games that build resilience. PE lessons are held inside in our well-equipped sports hall or outside in our MUGA or on the field. We recognise the importance of physical development in the Early Years Foundation Stage as a key area of learning. There are two strands under Physical Development: Moving and Handling and Health and Self-care. Children in the EYFS access time and space to enjoy energetic play daily in the outdoor learning area. The children also access specific physical development through one timetabled PE lesson in Reception (in preparation for Year 1) which give the children the opportunity to learn and practice fundamental movement skills.
There are a number of sports clubs offered through Bristol Sport, such as Basketball, Multi-skills, Netball, Gymnastics, Dance, Tag Rugby and Cricket. The school uses OSF funding to offer football, boxing girl's fitness and outdoor games.
In addition:
- We have an annual sports morning (split into EYFS/KS1 and KS2) with the emphasis on participation and achievement for all
- Children in Y3 - 5 will swim once a week for one term (a minimum of 12 weeks). Any year 6 children that can’t swim will go at the end of the Year
- We offer a variety of sporting opportunities throughout the year – such as football matches, sports clubs during the holidays and many after school clubs
Children get a wide range of opportunities to be active. In the Early Years, children get daily opportunities to move and develop their gross motor skills. The outdoor areas are designed to develop physical literacy, allowing children to develop their fundamental skills through continuous provision. In Year 1 and 2, children develop their fundamental skills through a skills based curriculum. Children are exposed to a variety of sports in KS2, giving them a love of being active and allowing them to choose physical exercise that is right for them. Children leave the school with an awareness of physical literacy, their bodies and how to use activity to support their well being and future chances.
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