Welcome to Year 2!
The teachers are Miss Ellison-Smith in BFG and Miss Wilkinson in Enormous Crocodiles. Vicki works in both classes during the morning supporting lots of groups of children in their learning and with smaller groups in the afternoons from across the year group. Sian and Mrs Naushahi will also work with small groups of children in Year 2 across the day.
We are also supported by Adam, our P.E coach, who will be teaching P.E. on Tuesdays. Miss Griffiths will also be working with both classes on Tuesdays.
If you ever need to speak to us about anything, big or small, please come find us on the playground or ask to make an appointment with the office.
We expect to have a safe, respectful and engaged learning environment, with children developing their learning skills and enjoying their learning.
The school day starts at 8.40 and finishes at 3.15.
Our writing is inspired by some fantastic texts such as Tin Forest, Traction Man and Pattan’s Pumpkin. These texts also link to our enquiry lessons. The children will develop their creative writing skills and grammar over the year. We encourage the children to take pride in their learning and there will be a big focus on handwriting this year. Please continue to practise weekly spellings throughout the year and test your child regularly.
We encourage parents to read at home daily. They should read for at least 15 minutes in the evening. It really helps to develop children's learning if they are asked lots of questions about what they have just read. Please remember that this can be any book at all as we encourage children to develop a love of reading.
Children's books will be changed every Tuesday and they are able to take 3 reading books at one time.
Please ensure children bring in their book bags daily.
Over the course of the year, Year 2 will have 7 different enquiry questions. These questions will form the basis of our enquiry teaching.
The questions we will answer this term are:
Term 1: Behind the Scenes?
Term 2: How do plants grow? and How do we live a healthy life?
Term 3: What could Traction Man’s playground be made of?
Term 4: Who is important to my city?
Term 5: What is home?
Term 6: How are schools the same?
Homework is set every Thursday and should be handed back in every Monday. Children are set homework that links to and supports their learning in class. As part of their homework children can gain extra practise using these sites:
Time table rockstars - https://ttrockstars.com/
Bugclub - https://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk/login?c=0
Adam runs P.E. He will be supported each week by an expert who will come and teach the children a certain sport e.g. gymnastics, football, rugby. Please ensure children have their P.E kits. Children should come into school wearing their school uniform. For P.E, children need a t-shirt in their house colour as well as shorts or jogging bottoms, and trainers or daps.
We are really looking forward to the year ahead :)