Kelly Paterson

Kelly Paterson

15 December 2015

Being Philosophers

Religious Education @ Hannah More

In Religious Education, we encourage children to develop a greater understanding of and respect for their own beliefs and those of others.

We use the 'Awareness, Mystery and Value' Agreed Syllabus for RE, which is taught throughout Bristol and the surrounding authorities. In collaboration with parents and the local community, recognising the unique contribution they are able to make, we have adapted the scheme of work in order to make it as relevant and meaningful as possible for our children. Children’s own experiences are used as the base on which to build their knowledge and understanding of different religions.

Our RE teaching develops the children’s understanding of and respect for different faiths, linking with our own school values and the British Values which are
promoted within the school. Through the use of drama, art and music, we develop the children’s ability to reflect and think deeply about a range of issues and
questions. We provide opportunities to develop their sense of awe and wonder, and their sense of spirituality. The RE curriculum involves using the fascinating resources we have to draw on in the local area, and includes trips to different places of worship, including a local mosque, church, Hindu temple and synagogue. The children are given opportunities to ask visitors of different faiths questions about their beliefs, and are encouraged to think about how these are similar to or different from their own beliefs and experiences.

We also promote philosophical thinking in which the children ask ‘big questions’ and give their own views on a variety of topics. In addition to the RE curriculum itself, religious stories and festivals such as Diwali, Ramadan and Easter are explored during assemblies, and we have whole school events to celebrate Eid and Christmas.

15 December 2015


PSHE education is a planned programme of learning through which children and young people acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives. As part of a whole school approach, PSHE develops the qualities and attributes pupils need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society.

Hannah More uses the Jigsaw scheme of work as a means of delivering PSHE across the school. This is a whole school programme, underpinned by elements of mindfulness practice. It places significant foucs on the development of emotional literacy and social skills as well as spiritual development.

The PSHE curriculum is divided into six core themes and these are covered in each term across the academic year (each unit of work is known as a ‘Puzzle’ piece in the Jigsaw scheme). Across the school, each class is taught the same unit at the same time but in an age appropriate way. This allows us to respond to the children’s needs and ensure that the new areas of learning are always built upon exisiting knowledge.

Discrete PSHE lessons are taught weekly in all classes acrosss the school and are complimented by linked key stage assemblies.

The areas of PSHE learning taught each term are detailed below, along with a brief summary of the content covered (the title of each 'Puzzle' is in bold).

Term 1 – Being Me In My World: A sense of belonging; Welcoming others; Building the positive and nurturing ethos of the class/school; Being part of a school community, a wider community, a global community; Rights (UNCRC) and responsibilities; Working and socialising with others; School Council and pupil voice; The Learning Charter: rights, responsibilities, rewards and consequences.

Term 2 - Celebrating Difference: Similarities and differences – diversity; Appearance, disability, racism, power, friendships, conflict; Accepting everyone’s right to ‘difference’, regardless of their circumstances or choices; What is ‘normal’?; Bullying – what it is and what it isn’t, including cyber and homophobic bullying.

Term 3 - Dreams and Goals: Hopes and dreams; Goals to success; Learning and personal strengths; Challenges – team work skills and tasks; Overcoming obstacles; Enterprise and fundraising; Experiencing and managing feelings of pride, ambition, disappointment, success; Aspirations – jobs and careers; Dreams and goals of others in different cultures/countries; Dreams for the world .

Term 4 - Healthy Me: Emotional health (Relaxation, being safe, friendships, mental health skills, body image, relationships with food, managing stress) and Physical health (Eating a balanced diet, physical activity, rest and relaxation, keeping clean, drugs and alcohol, being safe, first aid).

Term 5 - Relationships: Families; Friendships; Love and Loss; Memories; Grief cycle; Pets and animals; Safeguarding and keeping safe; Attraction; Assertiveness; Conflict; Own strengths and self-esteem; Cyber safety and social networking; Roles and responsibilities in families; Stereotypes; Communities; Wider communities

Term 6 - Changing Me: Life cycles; How babies are made; My changing body; Puberty; How babies grow; Growing from young to old; Becoming a teenager; Assertiveness; Self-respect; Safeguarding; Family stereotypes; Self and body image; Attraction; Change; Accepting change; Looking ahead; Moving/transition to secondary

Relationships and Sex Education

Following consultation with parents, we have developed a our own bespoke RSE scheme of work which allows us to deliver all the elements of the RSE curriculum in a manner which takes account of the needs of the children and the various faith perspectives within our school. This bespoke scheme of work will be delivered during the Changing Me puzzle. More information about the 2019 curriculum parent meetings can be found here.

PE @ Hannah More

Through PE at Hannah More, we nurture children to develop self-belief, build resilience and work as a team whilst expressing their individuality. We recognise that promoting an active lifestyle through PE can help to improve concentration, physical and mental health and general well-being. We believe that children deserve to feel confident, enjoy their PE lessons and see the value in their learning. At Hannah More, we strive to create an inclusive, empowering learning environment where the children’s achievements are regularly celebrated. We follow the national curriculum, which is divided into 6 areas which can be seen below. Each year group is taught the same unit by our P.E. coach but the content is altered to develop skills and knowledge as they move up the school.

 Mr Rossetti currently runs after-school sports clubs for each KS2 class, which provides children with further opportunities for enrichment and the ability to join sports teams.


15 December 2015


Music can be found throughout the school week in each year group at Hannah More. We believe in using and teaching music not only develops children’s creativity but also as a way to express their feelings. There are discrete music lessons but it is also woven in throughout the week in our assemblies and performances across the year.


15 December 2015

Being Geographers

Geography @ Hannah More

Geography at Hannah More is designed to increase the children’s knowledge and curiosity about the world around them.  In Geography they will deepen their knowledge about the city of Bristol, as well as extend their geographical learning beyond the UK to other parts of the world by studying and comparing similar and different places.  As geographers the children will also develop their practical skills through the use of maps, atlases and ipads. 

15 December 2015

Being Historians

History @ Hannah More

At Hannah More we are passionate about the teaching of History. We understand studying history gives children the opportunity to develop an understanding of why the world and its people are the way they are today. Additionally, it prompts children to question as they explore the diversity of human experience, past lives and societies. Local history is important to us and our curriculum has been carefully crafted to ensure children can experience and evaluate the rich history of Bristol. As well as the history covered below, we explore the history of some of our school communities in black history week, We also celebrate Hannah More's birthday each year where we explore a little about Hannah More the philanthropist, after whom our school is named and look at clues around our school building and local area as to how life was in the past.  

We are proud to hold a Gold Quality Mark from the History Association.

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Hannah More Primary School, New Kingsley Road, St Philips, Bristol, BS2 0LT


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