Year 4 Learning Champions 23rd October
Friday 23rd October
Another big well done to the people who sent in work yesterday - Mahamed, Danilo, Dominic, Emelle, Asma and Afnan! More house points for you!
As today is Friday and it's the last day of term, today we thought you'd like a selection of activities that you can choose from to do at home.
The elders have sent a reply video to our fantastic questions!
Take a look here!
As it's Friday, here's Mr.Rossetti's workout videos to have a go at!
We'd like everyone to play TTrockstars today! Challenge yourself to complete 3 soundchecks - can you get a better score each time?
Because we've finished Frogspell, have a go at making this fun origami jumping frog out of paper!
Follow this video to see if you can draw your own Roman solider!
Write your own invented story using this image to inspire you!
This term we've been learning all about the Romans and Anglo Saxons. Create a poster containing all the facts you have learnt. It could include information about
- Roman towns
- Roman armies
- What the Romans brought to England
- Invasion by the Anglo Saxons
- Anglo Saxon settlements
Next term as scientists we will be learning about food chains. Get ahead and click here to learn all about them!
After you've watched the video and read the information, can you draw your own foodchain using different animals and plants?
Thursday 22nd October
Well done to all the people who sent in work yesterday:
Asma, Lilja, Yousef, Mahamed, Emelle, Ella! House points to all of you!
Keep emailing your work in to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Today you'll be thinking about how to estimate answers when you are adding or subtracting. You'll have to use your rounding skills for this one!
First click this link and watch the video that is called Estimate Answers. Then find your worksheet here.
We know many of you really enjoyed reading Frogspell this term!
We want you to write a book review of Frogspell today.
A book review gives some information about the book but it also gives your opinion on the book. It also sometimes tells the person reading your review what type of person would enjoy reading Frogspell.
Here is an example of a book review you might choose to copy.
When you have done that, we want you to write all about your favourite book:
1. What is your favourite book?
2. Why is this book your favourite? What do you like about it?
3. Who is your favourite character?
4. What is your favourite part in the book?
5. Who would you recommend this book to? (Is it good for children your age? Boys or girls or both? Maybe someone younger or older than you.)
When we come back to school on November 3rd, we would love to stick some of your book reviews up in our book corners in class!
Black History Week
Today, we would like you to choose your own famous black person to research.
This isn't history but it's celebrating famous black people today in Britain!
It could be footballer Marcus Rashford, or ex President Barack Obama. It might be rapper and Britain's Got Talent judge Alesha Dixon or long distance runner Mo Farah.
Here's a bitesize link if you're feeling stuck for ideas.
For your chosen person, make a factfile like this one about them.
Wednesday 21st October
We are so proud of everyone working so hard in this strange week...
Thank you to Mahamed, Dominic, (again) Afnan, Lilja, Alex and Premaja for sending your work in on Tuesday! Keep it up!
We have given you each some house points! We are awarding 5HP for one piece of work sent in and 10HP for more than one!
Keep emailing your work in to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Today you will be practicing column subtraction again, but this time there could be an exchange needed in more than one column.
First, click this link and watch the video called subtract two 4 digit numbers (more than one exchange). Then find your maths worksheet here.
Like yesterday, we'd also like you to go on timestable rockstars and practice your timestables. Well done to Mahamed, Ella, Aaliyah and Dominic for playing yesterday - more housepoints are coming your way!
In your book, write these spells into two columns: ones that rhyme and ones that don't rhyme.
Now read these short poems and answer the questions below:
1.Sunshine, daisies, butter, mellow.
Turn this stupid, fat rat yellow.
2. Bogies, frog, brocolli, bean
Turn this tiny, soft cat green.
3. Furry and soft, sits on a mat
Make my brother into a cat.
4. Slimy, green, thin as a rake
I’m going to turn you into a snake.
Now answer these questions
A) What do you notice about the first line in all 4 poems?
B) What do you notice about the second line in all 4 poems?
C) Which is your favourite poem and why?
D) Have a go at writing your own in the same style as these. Send it to us to make us laugh at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. !
Thank you to those of you who sent in some lovely questions for the ladies. We have sent them off to be answered!
A bit like Monday, today we want you to research Barbara Dettering.
Here is a website to help you.
She was in the video you watched yesterday and has a mural painting of her because she is one of the Seven Saints of St.Paul's!
We will still get to go on this trip after half term, don't worry!
Answer these questions:
1. What country did she come from?
2. When did she arrive in Bristol?
3. List the 4 parts of Bristol that she lived in?
4. Where did she also spend a lot of time?
5. What do you like about her from what you have read?
6. What is one of the things Christelle says about Barbara?
Challenge : Can you create your own picture of her? You could do it simply by drawing or sketching, or you could get more creative and use things you have around the house such as cutting and sticking newspapers or magazine to get the different colours.
Tuesday 20th October
Thank you to Mahamed, Dominic, Yousef and Asma for sending your work in!
We have given you each some house points! We are awarding 5HP for one piece of work sent in and 10HP for more than one!
Keep emailing your work in to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Today you will be practicing column subtraction where there is one exchange. First click here to watch the video called subtract 2 four digit numbers - one exchange.
Then find your maths worksheet here.
Don't forget to also play times table rockstars! We will be logging in to see who is playing.
Think of rhyming couplets for these words. The first one has been done for you:
moon - soon
star -
night -
tree -
small -
dog -
cold -
sky -
home -
river -
cat -
child -
breeze -
Now have a go at writing a poem of your own using some of these words.
Take a look at this video from some elderly Caribbean women telling us a bit about their experience of coming to England.
Answer these questions:
1. What country were most of the women born in?
2. What was different about life when the women first came to England?
3. Where did Madge work when she was first in England?
4. Who was Barbara Dettering?
We are so lucky in Year 4 because these ladies want us to send some questions in for them.
They will then make a new video for us with answers to some of our questions!
You might ask questions like What made you come to England? What did you think about Bristol when you first came? What was it like working in the nhs in those days?
Send 5 questions that you have to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Monday 19th October
Today you will be reminding yourself about subtracting using 4 digit numbers. Click here and watch the video called Subtract two 4-digit numbers - no exchange
Then complete this worksheet. Don't worry about printing it - you can just write the answers on a piece of paper or in your homework book if you still have it at home.
Poetry Week!
Poem 1: My Cat is Fat
Poem 2: Be Glad Your Nose Is On Your Face
Rhyming couplets are pairs of two words that rhyme.
For example: light and night wood and hood look and book
For each poem, answer the following questions:
- List all the rhyming couplets.
- What do you like about the poem?
- How does the poem make you feel?
- Can you count the syllables for each line?
For example: Miss Skin-ner (3 syllables) Year Four Swal-low (4 syllables).
Which poem is your favourite and why?
This week is Black History Week and today we were supposed to be going for a Mural Hunt, looking at the Seven Saints of St.Pauls. We will hopefully go on this trip when everyone is back at school and healthy!
Instead, today research one of the Seven Saints of St. Paul’s who is called Roy Hackett.
Find out:
- What country did he come from and when?
- What were his main achievements in Bristol?
- What interests you about him?
- Is he still alive today?
Challenge : Can you create your own picture of him? You could do it simply by drawing or sketching, or you could get more creative and use things you have around the house such as cutting and sticking newspapers or magazine to get the different colours.